Strict Standards: Non-static method DB::connect() should not be called statically in /__handel2/config/db.php on line 28

Strict Standards: Non-static method DB::parseDSN() should not be called statically in /PEAR/DB.php on line 520

Strict Standards: Non-static method DB::isError() should not be called statically in /PEAR/DB.php on line 551

Strict Standards: Non-static method DB::isError() should not be called statically in /PEAR/DB.php on line 557

Strict Standards: Non-static method DB::isError() should not be called statically in /__handel2/config/db.php on line 29

Strict Standards: Non-static method DB::isError() should not be called statically in /__handel2/config/db.php on line 51

Strict Standards: Non-static method DB::isError() should not be called statically in /__handel2/config/db.php on line 51

Strict Standards: Non-static method DB::isError() should not be called statically in /__handel2/config/db.php on line 51

Strict Standards: Non-static method DB::isError() should not be called statically in /__handel2/config/db.php on line 51

Strict Standards: Non-static method DB::isError() should not be called statically in /__handel2/config/db.php on line 51

Strict Standards: Non-static method DB::isError() should not be called statically in /__handel2/config/db.php on line 51

Strict Standards: Non-static method DB::isError() should not be called statically in /__handel2/config/db.php on line 51

Strict Standards: Non-static method DB::isError() should not be called statically in /__handel2/config/db.php on line 51

Strict Standards: Non-static method DB::isError() should not be called statically in /__handel2/config/db.php on line 51

Strict Standards: Non-static method DB::isError() should not be called statically in /__handel2/config/db.php on line 51

Strict Standards: Non-static method DB::isError() should not be called statically in /__handel2/config/db.php on line 51

Strict Standards: Non-static method DB::isError() should not be called statically in /__handel2/config/db.php on line 51

Strict Standards: Non-static method DB::isError() should not be called statically in /__handel2/config/db.php on line 51

Strict Standards: Non-static method DB::isError() should not be called statically in /__handel2/config/db.php on line 51

Strict Standards: Non-static method DB::isError() should not be called statically in /__handel2/config/db.php on line 51

Strict Standards: Non-static method DB::isError() should not be called statically in /__handel2/config/db.php on line 51

Strict Standards: Non-static method DB::isError() should not be called statically in /__handel2/config/db.php on line 51

Strict Standards: Non-static method HTML_QuickForm::registerRule() should not be called statically in /__handel_admin/lib/SoftRequired.php on line 66

Strict Standards: Non-static method HTML_QuickForm_RuleRegistry::singleton() should not be called statically in /PEAR/HTML/QuickForm.php on line 354

Strict Standards: Declaration of HTML_QuickForm_hidden::accept() should be compatible with HTML_QuickForm_element::accept(&$renderer, $required = false, $error = NULL) in /PEAR/HTML/QuickForm/hidden.php on line 34

Strict Standards: Non-static method DB::isError() should not be called statically in /__handel2/config/db.php on line 51

Strict Standards: Non-static method DB::isError() should not be called statically in /__handel2/config/db.php on line 51

Strict Standards: Non-static method DB::isError() should not be called statically in /__handel2/config/db.php on line 51

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /__handel2/config/db.php:28) in / on line 231
Targi Duo-Tes dla ponad 1000 sklepów, piknik i mecz z producentami


Targi Duo-Tes dla ponad 1000 sklepów, piknik i mecz z producentami

Czwartek, 29 sierpnia 2024
Czterodniowe targi online z atrakcyjnymi nagrodami, piknik i mecz towarzyski integrujące środowisk kupieckie, producentów i przedstawicieli dystrybutora organizuje w dniach 4-7.09.2024 jedna z największych hurtowni na Mazowszu - Duo-Tes. Ofertę przygotowało prawie 100 wystawców.

Duo-Tes działający na rynku od ponad 25 lat posiada w swym portfolio ponad 8000 pozycji asortymentowych od największych światowych producentów. Targi skierowane są do blisko 1200 klientów hurtowni, w tym sieci takich jak choćby Chorten, Lewiatan czy Kulfon.

Duo-Tes na czas e-targów uruchamia dedykowaną dla tego wydarzenia aplikację mobilną, w której klienci mogą składać zamówienia. Sklepy są podzielone na kategorie pod względem powierzchni, a w każdej z nich przewidziano nagrody za najwyższe wartościowo zamówienia.

W trakcie trwania targów – 6 września – rozegrany zostanie doroczny mecz piłki nożnej. To już IV jego edycja. Jedna z drużyn piłkarskich składa się z producentów i uczestników targów, a przeciwnicy to pracownicy hurtowni Duo Tes ze współwłaścicielem Tomaszem Sibilskim na czele. Mecz rozegrany zostanie na terenie Akademii Piłkarskiej Legii Warszawa w Książenicach.

Po meczu odbędzie się coroczny piknik na terenie Duo Tes w  Książenicach. Hurtownia również otwiera magazyn zaaranżowany na ten cel dla swoich klientów. Partnerzy handlowi spotkają się przy grillowaniu i muzyce.




tagi: duo-tes , targi ,

Strict Standards: Non-static method DB::isError() should not be called statically in /__handel2/config/db.php on line 51

Strict Standards: Non-static method DB::isError() should not be called statically in /__handel2/config/db.php on line 51

Strict Standards: Non-static method DB::isError() should not be called statically in /__handel2/config/db.php on line 51

Strict Standards: Non-static method DB::isError() should not be called statically in /__handel2/config/db.php on line 51

Strict Standards: Non-static method DB::isError() should not be called statically in /__handel2/config/db.php on line 51

Strict Standards: Non-static method DB::isError() should not be called statically in /__handel2/config/db.php on line 51

Strict Standards: Non-static method DB::isError() should not be called statically in /__handel2/config/db.php on line 51